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Giddy Grandma's Garb

Oakland grandma starts a small jewelry business this month to create joy in her community.

woman holding a book, next to a coffee mug

Donna Haines, 71-year-old grandma to four grandkids and two great-grandkids, recently started an online homemade jewelry business based on the platform, Facebook.

Haines will feature her jewelry at her first in-person craft show on Wednesday, Dec. 7th at 5:00 P.M. at the Carson Community Center in Carson, Iowa. The annual event is called Santa Clasus-set Craft & Vendor show and will be hosted by The Barn Owl.

Haines specializes in making rings and bracelets that she sells for $10 a piece. Her most popular work is a "fidget ring" that allows the wearer to spin the beads much like a fidget toy, but "more fashionable," Haines said.

Each piece of jewelry is either made from silver or copper wire and various forms and colors of beads that up to the individual's choosing.

People will be able to purchase her work at the craft show on Dec. 7th or they can directly message her on her public Facebook page, Donn'a Do-Ins and place an order if they are not able to attend.

Haines lives in Oakland, Iowa, but wanted to “reach multiple generations of audiences” by offering her jewelry online, Donna Haines said.

Donna has always loved creating things, but recently discovered jewelry making after a trip to a neighborhood flea market and purchasing a spool of copper wire for $10. After watching a few Youtube videos, she set out to make her own with a personalized touch.

Haines said: "I just want to make things that make people smile when they see them every day."

Haines is a retired teacher and has recently fallen into some free time where she had originally picked up crocheting. Nonetheless, the simplicity and beauty of crafting jewelry that can be so personal attracted her to the trade.

With the rise in popularity of online business since the pandemic in 2019, Haines realized reaching her audience virtually would be the best option.

"People can be updated with the work I am completing every week and even put in requests for colors or new styles that I can try out. A simple message and an online payment makes this process so much quicker," Haines said.

Haines started her business only crafting bracelets, but soon learned how to make rings, earrings, and even keychains. She believes that, "if you set your mind to something, you can do it, just like The Little Engine That Could" referencing the children's book by Watty Piper.

Haines had filled requests from multiple individuals by crafting them a person style of choice decorated with the color to match. She has even thrown in her other crafting skills, such as painting, to create special keychains for her grandkids.

"I know how much my grandson loves dragons, so I spun him a dragon's eye made of copper, adorned with a glass bead at the center and paint for the pupil. He takes it with him everywhere he goes," Haines said.

Haines's family has also been promoting her brand for her by posting online and advertising at each individual's job site. Her granddaughter-in-law has completed several orders successfully after reposting Haines's Facebook posts.

One of Haines's first customers was from the help of her granddaughter-in-law: Keri Witherell, a 7th grade math teacher at Lewis & Clark Middle School.

Witherell said: "The work was just beautiful. I needed a gift for my daughter for Christmas, and I just know she is going to love the color and the ability to fidget with this ring, which is so unique."

Since the purchase, business has been booming at Lewis & Clark Middle School, with students and teachers alike asking where Witherell got her ring.

Haines said: "I am just so grateful that my family is so supportive of me and provided me with opportunities like that."

Whether you are in the need for some new accessories or looking for a holiday gift, supporting a small business, such as Donna's Do-ins, will help the community and will be sure to put a smile on your face.

More photos of Haines's can be found on her Facebook page under the album, Jewelry:

*Word count: 697*


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